The Foundation “Hulpgoederen Roemenië” was founded in 1993 and is mainly focused on the improvement of life circumstances for the inhabitants of Romania.
This foundation consist of a small group of people from Garyp and Earnewâld, two small villages in the north of Holland and is supported by a lot of people from both villages and also the churches support us whenever they can.
What we do?
We started with the collection of goods, mainly clothes, and held several fundraising activities to pay for the transportation of these goods to Romania, where the goods were distributed amongst the people of a number of towns and cities.
Later on we adopted the village of Schitu Stavnic, a small town located in Moldavia (about 20 kilometres from the Russian Border), and concentrated our activities on helping the people in this particular town.
Most of the 425 inhabitants of Schitu Stavnic live in miserable conditions; no paved roads, no clean water facilities and a monotonous feeding pattern.
The mostly large families, live in loam huts, the somewhat better situated people in wooden cabins where only a very few have the privilege of electricity in their house.
The main concern is the lack of vitamins caused by the monotonous feeding pattern (mainly corn). A part of people seek unfortunatly comfort in the consumption of home brewed alcohol.
Support we offer
With support of the foundation “Stichting Hulpgoederen Roemenië” a school was build in 1997school. This building has three classrooms, a teachersroom, sanitary including fresh water facilities and heating; a wood burned stone stove, which is an unknown luxury for the people of Schitu Stavnic. Furthermore we arranged a transport to Schitu Stavnic every year to provide every inhabitant with a new set of clothes. We also started a school project in 1999 to provide the schoolchildren in winter with a cup of milk and biscuits every day. It stimulates going to school because it school is heated and because they get milk and biscuits!
It’s changed now: The trip we make every year is to buy clothes (or we let them make) for the schoolchildren in Roemenia and to give milk and biscuits to the youngest children. Since 2005 the inspection sees for milk and bread for the older children.
We were able to build the school by holding various fundraising activities. We also received donations from organisations such as “K.P.A.” and “Wilde Ganzen” To be able to provide long-term support we set a sponsorship program in 1998. At this moment more then 300 people from Garyp and Earnewâld participate in this sponsorship program.
In 2004 we have had a big sponsored bicycletrip from Garijp to Schito Stavnic in Roemania. Sixteen cyclists and an escortgroup which gave technical, medical and cateringsupport made the enormous trip of 3000 km! The whole travel brang in 58.500 euro!
Our Wishes
Our next major project is to realise a multi functional building, which we hope to build with your help in 2007. This will be placed on the same grounds as the school. All parties e.g. school management, the mayor and local authorities are very enthusiastic about this plan and will provide their full support.
Why is this necessary?
As mentioned before, the personal hygiene in Schitu Stavnic is very bad. With no fresh water facilities, water is being brought up from a well, which causes unhealthy and worrisome situations. The need for douches speaks for its selves. The MFB will also house a small bedroom for sick people, (people often don’t have room for a sickbed in their own house), medical facility, where a doctor will be available regularly on set times. At this moment people in need of medical care, will have to walk to a adjacent village to see a doctor. When feeling seriously ill, this is not an easy trip. Also the children of the village will have a room available for their homework and one of the rooms will be put to use for sewing courses, etc. In short: this building will foresee in a multi-purpose need.
How far we are?
Before we started any fundraising activities we investigated the feasibility of our plans with the Romanian authorities. With help from a Dutch and Romanian architect, we made all the technical drawings and calculations. With this we applied for all the necessary permits.
With great pride we can inform you this has all been approved.By now, you will have probably figured out what. The total investment is € 205.000. At present we have brought together not enough. For the remaining amount we ask for your help.
Oldeberkoop, september 2000
Seen my personal contacts with this active foundation, I can assure you that help will be given to the inhabitants of a very poor village in Romania. I am very impressed with the way these people cooperate in good harmony to make sure the support gets to the right place. A better guarantee that this money will be put to good use can not be given.
Mr. Simon ter Heide
Notaris te Oldeberkoop